Friday, January 14, 2011

Quick Blog #4

The funny thing is, anyone would be able to make the same record Willow did, she was just famous therefore had excellent producers.

It is funny that whipping hair and makeup has transformed into something we now consider sexual. It is sad that we have so many different conotations of things, but at the same time we do need to acknowledge they exsist. Willow is not exactly the best role model, for little girls may stop and think, oh she's my age, I should be able to wear that. Then again, many little girls want to look like the older girls anyway.

Where is the limit between creepy young actors and singers and just young?
I think we just hit it.


  1. After more thought I have come to agree that she may not be the best role model but probably one of the better ones these days, which is sad. My question is, what do you mean when talking about her clothing? I didn't see her wearing anything I would consider too questionable.

  2. I agree with Tom, I'm not sure what clothes she wore that were that bad, and that compared to many others out there she seems like a better role model. I do not like how she is wearing so much make up though, I never have been taught to cover up what I look like with products.
