Wednesday, January 12, 2011

quick blog 3: retails ranking

1. Describe an experience where you were privileged or advantaged due to your class/socio-economic status.

When I go to stores or restaurants I do tend to notice that I am given extra attention. My family in particular is a white, mid to upper-class family, and these things don't go un-noticed. Extra service and attention tends to come my way, for many feel that we are the ones who are going to be able to make more purchases in the long run. Ironically enough, my parents are pretty frugal!

2. Describe an experience where your were oppressed or disadvantaged due to your class/socio-economic status.

I have noticed in particular stores, more often designer stores, that I have not received great service. To be honest, I can only afford to browse these $900 dresses anyway, but just the assumption that I wouldn't be able to make any purchases there was very apparent to me.
3. Write about an experience where you witnessed an incident of classism (remark, behavior, attitude) and your reaction to it.
I worked in retail for many years, and I have to say I very much can not defend the idea that store associates do keep an eye on certain races of people. Many times when someone came in with an accent or a color of skin different from white, my managers had mentioned they looked suspicious, or asked the store employees to keep an eye on them.

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