Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Feminism Blog 2

As the video explained in multiple different opinions, the idea of feminism has taking many different routes from its initial intentions. Originally, during the woman's rights movement, women fought for the right of equality, especially for the right to vote. Our nation, and many nations has formed a reality around voting and that it establishes people are legitimate. Without your right to have a voice and a opinion, how are you considered an actual person, instead of someone who us owned by another. Women were seen as property of their husbands. Their opinions did not matter for it was their husbands that did not only them but their right to vote.

I do believe that from voting, to equal job opportunities, to equal pay rights, women have always fought for the right to equality, which should be the real definition of feminism. Over the years, it has transformed into this idea that feminists are “bra burners”, men-haters, or angry lesbians. As a heterosexual female, this angers me for I don't understand why wanting equality with males makes us hate them at all. To admire males we can't love ourselves as well?

I don't think that feminism is in decline. It is still slowly inclining, but at this point, like I mentioned earlier in this blog, can only grow more when society itself grows in our genres. Its a strong subject that needs a lot of backup.


  1. I agree with you that the real definition of feminism lies in equality which took an initiation from having equal voting rights and is still going on.

  2. As a teacher, I see my students grapple with the stereotypes of feminism every semester, which shows how powerful the media and society is in shaping the views of what this powerful and diverse movement for social justice really means. One of the reasons I love teaching women's studies is to see folks really transformed by new understandings of feminism in our world.

  3. You mentioned that women and men should have equal rights. Do you think that women should be have to register for the draft? Also, one of the topics that was brought up in the film was reproductive rights, shouldn't fathers also have a say in whether their children may or may not be aborted?

  4. It is a strong subject that needs a lot of backup. I hope that you will continue to have the conversation with people that need to hear it. The subject of sexual development and gender identity does not have a common language to be discussed in our society other than male and female, boys and girls. Nothing about the individual, and being who you are.

  5. @poip

    Yes, I do believe that if men have to register for the draft, women should have to as well. I don't in fact believe that war is the answer to any conflict, therefore don't believe that anyone should have to register for the draft at all, but that is a completely different issue.

    I have to say you stumped me with abortion issue. Genetically there are obvious differences and responsibilies that women have and that men do not. I have always believed that it is a woman's right to choose, but this does contradict my belief in equal rights.
