Friday, January 14, 2011

An analysis of « Where Men are Men and Women are Trespassers »

An analysis of « Where Men are Men and Women are Trespassers »
It always bothered me that I worked ten times harder at school, yet the football player who sat next to me in English class who didn’t even put one once of effort into his school work, got a full boat to the same college I worked to get into. I will admit it does make sense. Colleges like money, and sports teams bring in money. The better the team, the more money. The better the player, the more likely he will get easy access to any college he would like.
To be honest, that isn’t even what makes me the most upset. It is, as the article stated, a place where boys can be boys and females can attempt to live up to the boys.
Until the article suggest otherwise, I didn’t realize how strange it was that males playing sports expressed themselves in a way that would otherwise be considered “gay” or “faggy”. Looking back, I have always noticed my friends on the football team writing as their Facebook status’ comments such as “I love my team mates”. Another example would be when  sports players pat each other on their butts. I couldn’t imagine any other male writing “I love my roommates”, or patting their male friends on their butts. It is like a protected land, a land where nothing can reduce their manliness for they are involved in the ultimate manly activity.


  1. I know what you mean about the football players getting into school easier then you. I too had a similar experience in high school trying to get into college. I also think its interesting too how you mentioned that men who play sports are almost like not allowed to be teased or called gay or fag because they play sports which are seen as "manly man" things.

  2. Hmm, I heard about the way that in regular society sport team members would be considered gay if they did the same stuff they do while playing on the team before so it is not something so surprising for me. It is sort of strange that there are two different rules for guys when they play on sports teams and when they do not. What is up with that?

  3. This makes me laugh becuase I've always thought the same thing. I never understood why it was okay for them to do that, yet they went and called every other kid who DIDN'T play football 'gay' or 'faggy'. I'm a musician and I was always gay because I wasn't a football play and not patting people on the butt. As for the football player getting into college, while our situations are a little different, career wise, it took so much more effort for my to audition to get in school and practice and work so hard PLUS all the regular school work, where the sports stars just get in. It's a crappy outcome of our society =/
