Tuesday, January 18, 2011

blog 13

When I first read the topic of this unit, I thought adultism referred to the mistreatment of old people. I obviously have not heard of this issue before.

After reading Bell’s article, Understanding Adultism, I now have a better understanding of Adultism. In fact, I have experienced it myself many times.

Not too long ago I remember waiters treating my friends and me with a sense of resentment for no reason at all. It is a common belief that younger customers will either order cheap, leave little or no tip or both.

When I started working in retail I found myself going along with the same beliefs. When a teenager would walk into the store I would assume it wouldn’t be that big of a sale, and although I was never actually rude to them, I most likely did not give them the same amount of attention I would give another customer. My boss once said something that stuck with me. She said “the truth is that even though we look at younger customers as not having a lot of potential as customers, they are the ones with their parents money and no bills to pay.”.

So, do I consider myself an Adultist? I believe that everyone who goes along with the common beliefs of society, as well as everyone that is unaware of this problem.


  1. I don't believe I am an adultist or an ageist but until more recently I was not fully aware of this "ism." The reason I don't consider myself to be an adultist or ageist is because I do not discriminate against those that are elder looking for a job, or those that are younger looking for a job. I do however, believe that this is becoming a more serious issue being that elders are having to work longer in their lives to save money for retirement and to deprive them of that right to work and make money is just wrong. I do agree with you though that I have experienced a different type of demeanor when going out to eat at a restaurant from the waiter when I'm with my friends rather than with my parents.

  2. You're post is very interesting. I too always thought of ageism in a way that mostly affected old people. While I think that is still true in some ways, I also see that young people face similar issues. Without knowing it, I have experienced adultism at my job as well.

  3. I watched a video that focused more on one ageism affecting older people, but it is true that adultism exists too. I've had the exact same experience as you when it comes to adultism and going out to eat a restaurant with friends vs. with my parents. I also think what your boss said about young customers is true, and maybe more people should take on your bosses view!
